How get through a bad day

We’ve all been there, we wake up and just want to shut the world out for the day, we don’t want to get out of bed let alone actually go out and deal with people, and it’s natural to feel like this every now and then it’s ok to have a bad day. Now how to do you actually deal with it? Here is what I do:
1.) I take my time getting out of bed.
2.) After I’ve gotten out of bed I put water to boil whilst I brush my teeth.
3.) I take out my favorite tea and book.
4.)I make myself some breakfast usually oatmeal with natural cane sugar and cinnamon or maybe with fresh fruit.
5.)I listen to music that I like no matter what it might be.
6.) I clean my room. (It feels like a fresh start)
7.) I have dinner and watch a movie that makes me laugh so when I fall asleep I’ll sleep I’ll sleep with a smile

These are some of the things I like to do, they make me feel better and it relaxes me, and they make me feel like it’s not that bad. Everyone has their own way but I thought it would be nice to share what it is I do. Comment below what you like to do! I would love to try new things!

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